
About Us

About Us

The IT-Learning Online Academy is the digital learning portal that students of the IT-Learning can use during their training period at the Academy.

IT-Learning is the owner of the IT-Learning Online Academy. Students receive their login details from IT-Learning .

Without login details you have no access to the IT-Learning Online Academy, and you will get no further than the Homepage.

The use of the IT-Learning Online Academy has many advantages. Below is a brief description of the functionality of the IT-Learning Online Academy.

  • Quick and orderly access to your own training course / learning path.
  • Access to training materials, exercises, virtual lab environment, practice exams attached to the course.
  • Ability to do knowledge assessments before and after.
  • Attend possible Virtual Classroom sessions and watch the recording later on.
  • Communicate with your personal e-Coach.
  • Communicate with your instructor.
  • Buy extra live online Teacher Support.
  • Live chat and forum functionality with fellow students.
  • Uploading and sharing files in the different Knowledge Groups.
  • Certification coach who helps to chart all your certifications and keep them up-to-date.
  • Through ‘mobile IT-Learn Online Academy’ also available for use on the road (internet must be available).
  • Many New Learning Tips.
  • News!

Do you have tips and suggestions? We would like to receive them via

This website is only for IT-Learning students. Username / password is needed to use this portal. To become an IT-Learning student go to

Please login when you have an username / password.

Change account password

    It can take up to 4 business hours before your password has been changed.
